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Video: The Problem With Same Sex Marriage

This video digs into examples of teaching homosexuality to children, a woman’s education was blocked because she wouldn’t counsel a homosexual, and a man once homosexual, who than married woman and fathered 5 children! Whatever side of this debate you are on, this video is very powerful. As we get ready for tomorrow nights, Life Full Circle Radio show on same-sex marriage, this is a “must view.”

The Bedroom vs. The Pulpit: Americas “Achilles Heel”

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By Miguel Lloyd

This week on #LFCRadio we will be talking about  America’s “Achilles Heel”, The Bedroom Vs. The Pulpit.

With President Obama’s announcement of his support of gay marriage a couple of weeks ago, there has been an inevitable wedge drawn in the conversation within America, especially within the community of faith.

There are some within the Black Christian community who take their interpretation of the word of God in a very “literal” sense.  Homosexuality is an abomination and marriage that does not include a man and a woman is illegal in Gods eyes and immortal. Than there are those, who believe that if we are to take the Bible that literally, than in addition to homosexuals deserving to be stoned, so are the prostitute, adulterer, and for that matter disobedient children. In many circles this is considered the battle between the “social” gospel and simply…the gospel as it is written.

So how does this affect the President and why did he take the position that he did? Well, lets keep in mind that in his current position, he is a politician. The very job description of a politician is that of compromise. That job requirement doesn’t stop at their faith. On many issues it begins there, whether they want to or not. Although gay rights are clearly an issue that starts and ends with the states themselves, the President had no choice on whether he was going to take a definitive position on this matter. The coalition that voted for him in 2008, included a very vocal and powerful homosexual community, and they were not going to accept anything less.

So now you have people of faith who say that he has caved on this issue and thus they have withdrawn their support for him. There are other who say, that whether they support gay marriage or not, there are more important issues than what someone is doing in the privacy of their bedrooms that will determine their vote in November.

So where do you lean on this conversation. Do you support gay marriage? Do you not support gay marriage, but still support the President or are you one who believes that President Obamas position on this, was the defining moment for you and you will not vote for him in November?

Our guest this week will be Pastor John Young of Empowered Believers Christian Learning Center, in Hampton, VA.

Pastor John Young

Tune in! Chime in! Tell a friend!

Miguel Lloyd is a blogger, radio host and Media entrepreneur. He hosts a weekly talk show called Life Full Circle Radio. The show includes super producer, Nikkia Ganey with hot topics, Seshmi Robertson with Entertainment, Elton Gumbel with Sports and Alton Drew with the Politics segment. Join us this and every Wednesday night for the lively conversation by clicking HERE!

Marine Dismissed from the Corps Over Facebook Post About President Obama

Sgt. Gary Stein, will receive a less than honorable discharge from the Marine Corps for comments about President Obama. On a Facebook page used by the Marine meteorologists, Stein wrote “Screw Obama and I will not follow all orders from him.”

One of the many duties that the president has is, Commander and Chief of the military. Although, Stein does have free speech under the US Constitution, he also has the responsibility as an employee of the US Military to respect the office, which he clearly did not.

I guess we will soon see him on the campaign trail with other Tea Party supporters in opposition of the president.

President Obama Slow Jams the News

President Barack Obama takes to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to urge congress to not increase the interest rates on student loans this summer.

Who Is Really Waging A War On Women?

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By Miguel Lloyd

This week on #LFCRadio we are going to talk about the War of Women that both President Obama and his opponent for November, Mitt Romney have claimed the other is raging.

If you are a “lefty”, you are first going to talk about the conservatives position on women’s rights to have control of their bodies, more specifically, to have “abortions or not” is not the states choice but the women themselves.

If you are a “righty”, you stick by your guns in saying that women should not be given the choice of having abortions. They have gone as far as attempt in my home state of Virginia to pass a law that would make it mandatory to administer ultrasounds that would require vaginal probes against the collective wills of many women.

If you are a “lefty”, you believe that women have never been paid equal to men for doing the same work. Women such as Lilly Ledbetter, have fought so hard that an act was named after here.

If you are a “righty”, you support either overtly or through your complicity in your silence, that the problem with equal pay either is a myth or is a work in progress that is not determinant to receive their vote. When challenged on this recently, the presumptive GOP nominee, Romney, was hesitant in responding to the question on whether he supported the Ledbetter Act ( “Does Gov. Romney support the Lilly Ledbetter Act?”.) Maybe it’s because, as he so eloquently expressed, “Corporations are People too“. His corporate “people” friends, don’t really want to pay the women who work for them equal pay to the men who work for them.

Than last week, the “lefty” Hillary Rosen, made a comment about Anne Romney, not ever have had a “job”, which was a softball to “righties” to claim that the Dems don’t respect stay at home moms. Of course stay at home moms are to be respected for the real work they do day-to-day. I just wonder how much the multi-millionaire, Romney did daily to raise her boys. I can’t see her folding mounds of socks or carting them around to all of their soccer games. She probably had a “staff” for that. But admittedly I’m being a little presumptuous. Just a little.

So with the general election season just kicking off, we will do the same thing. We will have the current President of the Florida Federation for Republican Women, Cindy Graves as our guest. We will dig into her position on these issues and others.

Join us and tell a friend to join the conversation!

Cindy Graves will be our guest

Miguel Lloyd is a blogger, radio host and Media entrepreneur. He hosts a weekly talk show called Life Full Circle Radio. The show includes super producer, Nikkia Ganey with hot topics, Seshmi Robertson with Entertainment, Elton Gumbel with Sports and Alton Drew with the Politics segment. Join us this and every Wednesday night for the lively conversation by clicking HERE!