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Read Between THESE Lines, For Better or Worse, I’ll take Structure Over Chaos

By Miguel Lloyd

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Well the much anticipated premiere of the most recent Tyler Perry installment into our social conscience happened on this past Friday. For Better or Worse premiered on TBS.

Admittedly I was intrigued as most of us were about how these characters made famous in the Why Did I Get Married movies would translate to the small screen. It only made sense those would be the characters chosen, seeing as they were the comedic element of those films. In one word, I was “unimpressed.”

I guess I keep waiting for TP’s projects to evolve into something more mature. I guess I keep waiting for his movies and shows to develop a story line and help us grow threw entertainment, instead of what he did with this show. He simply, took the success of todays reality shows and turned them into a sitcom. Show rich black women who think about no one but themselves, along with men looking to stay out of their way and their impending tirades. It is truly a tired theme.

Oh, but some would argue that it is about family and the struggles of blended families. Thats a common theme in America…right? Sure it is, but two adult women arguing over who’s kid called her a hoe are not. That is just childish and insulting to many of us who are working our way through that same dilemma of life.

Well about a month earlier, BET premiered Reed Between The Lines. The show that is more of Cosby Show 2.0, that it is Real Housewives of Atlanta. They have tackled themes that center around not only the lives of the kids, but made sure to address, things that Cosby never did 25+ years ago. Blended families and intimacy between the parents. Unlike Bill and Claire, these characters are young and vibrant in addition to being career focused and family focused. They even spent an hour this week addressing a subject that may be considered a “left field” story line about a Marine suffering from PTSD. In my humble opinion, they are going into a direction that is a lot more real, than the reality show/soap opera theme TP introduced us to out the gate with his show. Is there a market for it? Of Course there is. Thats why the networks keep ordering these shows. I just think that Tyler Perry has had enough success, which should translate into influence. But his track record says that its what he wants to do, and is what a lot of us want to see. Of course story lines evolve, hopefully if there is enough outcry by us, there will be evolutions in the characters of For Better or Worse, but maybe not.

Join us this week on Life Full Circle Radio as we will discuss this and much more. Of course, as always, we will have our super producer, Nikkia Ganey with hot topics, Seshmi Robertson with Entertainment, Elton Gumbel with Sports and Alton Drew with the Politics segment. Join us this and every Wednesday night for the lively conversation by clicking HERE!

Life Full Circle 1st Anniversary Show!!!

By Miguel Lloyd

UPDATE If you missed this show, you need to check it out! Especially the ladies.  Click HERE to the replay!

Tonight on Life Full Circle Radio, we are celebrating our 1st Anniversary!! Were going to grab some of our BEST interviews and segments! David and Tamela Mann, Bishop George Davis, Kermit Buggs of Penn State and Mr. Solutions will all be apart of this show!

If you like those “reunion” shows when they give you all the highlights that you’ve missed, well this is the show for you. You will get a snap shot of who we are and why this is appointment listening and reading, week in and week out!

Of course, as always, we will have our super producer, Nikkia Ganey with hot topics, Seshmi Robertson with Entertainment (I know Heavy D[RIP) will be a part of her segment), Elton Gumbel (NBA, NFL talk)with Sports and Alton Drew (#OWS and Herman Cain) with the Politics segment. Join us this and every Wednesday night for the lively conversation by clicking HERE!

Drivers In Marriage: The “Players” Intervention

By Miguel Lloyd

 Update: We are doubling back on this show. We had some technical difficulties a couple weeks back, but the audience wanted us to finish this show, so we will.

Guest will include Mr. Solutions and Elitia Mattox from WhenLoveWorks Coaching 

Click HERE to hear the show live or on replay!

Well last weeks show was one of the more heated, yet enlightening conversations that we have had in the history of Life Full Circle Radio. What started as a conversation about what are peoples drivers to marriage, turned into a lot of discussions of Kia’s love life. Well that wasn’t the intention, but what can you do when it is live radio.

All jokes aside, it was good radio because Kia’s situation is similar to many women’s lives. Well educated, gainfully employed, yet not feeling fulfilled with their personal lives. We did our part to try and bring some clarity to what it is going to take to move on to the next stage in the “career woman’s” life. With a little help from callers like Mr. Solutions, I am not sure how many steps we took forward or back (you’ve got to hear the show to know what I am talking about.) Nonetheless, it was a great show.

Well there is another side to the relationship dynamic…the men. What are the men’s culpability in what many perceived as too many failed relationships between men and women. To many women left without a man to call their own, while they believe that the men are just running through them like water because thats the nature of man. Well I’ve got news for you, most men are looking for the same thing you are looking for, commitment and stability. Unfortunately women are putting out the wrong bait, and as unfortunate men aren’t demanding more.

Well this week, we are going to focus on these men. We are going to have a “players” intervention. Ladies we are going to give you a little more insight into what men are TRULY looking for, and why it is too often not what you are presenting. I’m sure we’ll have some of the same fireworks we experienced last week.

Of course, as always, we will have our super producer, Nikkia Ganey with hot topics, Seshmi Robertson with Entertainment, Elton Gumbel with Sports and Alton Drew with the Politics segment. Join us this and every Wednesday night for the lively conversation by clicking HERE!

Drivers in Marriage: Money or Tradition

By Miguel Lloyd

UPDATE If you missed this show, you need to check it out! Especially the ladies.  Click HERE to the replay!

Its only fitting on the day of my anniversary we will be talking about marriage. We are going to look at it from a little different angle though. We will be talking about what is dictating marriages today…Money or tradition.

When you look at the tradition of marriage, it is based in a committed relationship between one man and one woman. The man would go out and make a living and the wives would stay home and raise the children and take care of the housework. That worked well when most means of employment were physically demanding jobs that required the physical ability of men.

Well as our culture has “evolved” to a place where your mental aptitude is as important or more important than your physical ability, more women have entered the workplace and changed that landscape.

In the African-American community, beginning with slavery, the family was destroyed and its been an uphill battle ever since. Going back to the turn of the 20th century, while many white women were home living the life of “Mayberry”, black women were cleaning houses to help supplement the income that their husbands were making, just to make ends meet. It was not an abnormal occurrence for black families to have both parents away from home, while kids were fending for themselves until their parents got home.

Well in this day and age that story, long ago, crossed racial lines, which in turn probably contributed to the steady decline of the family structure. While more women were getting better educated  and in turn getting better jobs, they have become less dependent on men regardless of their race.

At the same time, more specifically, in the African-American community a lot of men have been looking for the quickest means to make a living. You have a ton of men who skip college, ignore vocational schools and deal drugs while they are waiting on that illusive recording contract. The result of that is fewer educated black men for professional black women to choose from. In my opinion, thats why a blog like Beyond Black and White is so popular or why homosexuality has become a “viable” option. FYI Brothers, more sistahs believe you aren’t worth the work…but I digress.

When its all said and done, we are made for companionship. The question is are we going to make those choices based on how much money our potential partners makes or on the tradition of building a family & legacy together? This week we will have some fun with this topic as we will bring back funny man Shed “Can I Vent” Garrett. Also will be real-life basketball wife, Terri Nembhard. We are also working on a pastor that will give us his perspective as well. Stay tuned. We should have confirmation on him by tomorrow.

Of course, as always, we will have our super producer, Nikkia Ganey with hot topics, Seshmi Robertson with Entertainment, Elton Gumbel with Sports and Alton Drew with the Politics segment. Join us this and every Wednesday night for the lively conversation by clicking HERE!